3-Year Assessment Plan Template

Below you will find the Assessment Plan Template for 2023-2026 (starts Fall 2023). Each department should align their assessment plans with their respective program review cycle. Check your department's program review cycle on the Instructional Program Review Schedule.

For example, if your department submits a program review Fall 2025, then your department should consider assessing at least one program learning outcome (PLO) at least one fall or spring semester before the program review is due. This way each department can align their assessment plans according to when their program review is due.


How do I complete the 3-Year Assessment Plan Template?

  1. Open and download the template. Make sure to save the template to your computer by using the department name in the title
  2. Directly in the template, type department name at the top
  3. Generate a list of all courses that are offered in your department and discuss as a group. Also discuss when each course is offered (e.g., every fall semester).
  4. With your department, identify when each course will be assessed, followed by documenting your plan in the appropriate columns and rows directly in the template (the template is fillable)
  5. Double-check that all courses offered are included in the template
  6. With your department, identify and discuss which SLOs will be assessed for each respective course. For example, the same SLO can be assessed for every section of a course, each faculty can choose the SLO that they resonate with, etc. It is completely up to the department on how this should be handled and does not need to be indicated on the template
  7. With your department, identify and discuss your PLOs
  8. On the fourth row of the template, indicate which PLO will be assessed followed by the semester that it will occur (e.g., PLO 1, Fall 2025). You might want to consider aligning your department’s PLO assessment cycle around when the program review is due. For example, you might consider assessing at least one PLO every Fall semester before the program review is due
  9. On the last row, review the courses scheduled to be assessed within each year and select the corresponding ILO.
  10. Save and email the completed template to all department faculty members, your dean, and Paul Roscelli, our college’s Instructional Assessment Coordinator ([email protected] or 650-306-3414). All templates will be posted online.
  11. Assess your courses according to the department’s assessment plan and post the results directly to TracDat
  12. Should the plan change due to course cancellations, course banking, course additions, etc., the department must also update their assessment plan template. See step 11 on who should be included when emailing the updated template